Sunday, May 30, 2010


I love laughing. When I am with my friends we have many moments like these:

"Dad started laughing. It was a silent laugh that made his shoulders shake, and the more he laughed he funnier it seemed to him, which made him laugh even harder. I had to start laughing, too, and soon we were both hysterical, lying on our backs, tears ruing down our cheeks, slapping our feet on the porch floor. We'd get too winded to laugh any further, our sides cramping with stitches, and we'd think our fit was over, but then one of us would start chuckling, and that would get the other going ,and again we'd both end up shrieking like hyenas."

As witnessed in English class this year and last year, with one simple thought I can be in tears. The process is much like what happens with Jeannette and her dad. I laugh but keep it contained, then I chuckle just a little bit and then my friend (usually inside my head) will start laughing more. Then I start crying and I'm not able to breathe. It is one of the funniest experiences that I have, I find it quite entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. she really does. it's sad and i have seen it happen twice. People kind of look at her like she is crazy. Which she is...
