Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Desert

I loved the desert, too. When the sun was in the sky, the sand would be so hot that it would burn your feet of you were the kind of kid who wore shoes, but since we were always barefoot, our soles were as tough and thick as cowhide. We'd catch scorpions and snakes and horny toads. We'd search for gold, and when we couldn't find it, we'd collect other valuable rocks, like turquoise and garnets. There'd be a cool spell come sundown, when the mosquitoes would fly in so thick that the air would grow dark with them, then, at nightfall, it turned so cold that we usually needed blankets.

I am in some ways jealous of her life. The adventure, the running around with desert sand between your toes. Coming close to dangerous things... living life. I live in a happy, and very safe environment; I am sheltered from the beautiful and scary things of outside of my view.
I am jealous of her freedom. She can go anywhere she wants when she wants, her parents encourage freedom and learning from your own mistakes, even at a very young age.
I too had a rock collection when i was young. I would scour around the back of my house in the field... picking up old pieces of glass. My mom always worried, she worried that i would hurt myself or step on a piece of glass. I never did.
Am i crazy for being jealous? Her parents are obviously a little (lot) off their rocker... I should be glad i am safe and clean and loved by parents that obey rules.
A piece of me still wonders what it would be like.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I am very scared of adventure, but at the same time I wish i could be out there having crazy experiences.
    When I was a kid, my brother and I would often go across the street to the park. There we would go into the woods and find some path and follow it to the end. We would stay out until it was late and the mosquitoes came out too.
    I know what you mean. I love the family i have been given (usually) but its always interesting to think about how different it would be if we didn't have this life with parents like this.
